Wednesday 13 August 2008


Today we are going to go to visit the toy museum. It should be nice. We were going to the beach, but the weather is so unpredictable at the moment. Last night I had to close the windows while we watched TV !. Hopefully we will make it to the sands of the med before the boys depart next week.

Their visit has gone so quickly, as our time here has. We arrived here three months ago, and it has whizzed by. Our plan of buying a B&B has now gone. We both decided that to enter the service industry at this shaky economic time would be a foolish move.

The pound/euro, cost of petrol and everything else makes for an uncertain future. Some would say that this is the time to get in, prices have dropped and lots of people are selling. If this were my country of birth I may think that way, but finding other strings to my bow would be difficult. So we have made our minds up to return to Sussex and buy a house there and start a new business. It will be a fun and exciting time. But one thing is certain, we will be back to buy a house here. We have both fallen in love with this area, the river the mountains. It will give me a goal to work for...................

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