Sunday, 30 December 2007

I need a large gin and tonic..........

I have just had the most horrible experience. I went
to collect Wendy from the west end of London. I was waiting
outside where she was going to come out. This is a one way street.
A car came the wrong way. The driver of the car started gesticulating
at the drivers of the cars coming the right way down the street.
He pulled over, as he passed me I said ' this is a one way street '.
He glared at me and yelled ' move your car '. I replied that 'I was waiting
for someone '. More yelling ' I will knock you out '. I moved the car and as
I did told him that he was a dickhead. Wendy came out and got in the car.
The chap in the other car by now had turned around and parked and was storming
towards me. ' Get out the car now, I will knock you out '. It turns out that
he is a muslim gentleman. I told him that he was very aggressive. He yelled
'You are frightened of me'. I told him, " I am not frightened of a man in a dress'.
This seemed to tip him over the edge. He started to kick my car and pull at the mirror.
I drove off in a calm and orderly fashion. What a nasty piece of business.
Now Wendy is worried that he may track us down and come round and see us.
I doubt he will,but I will have another G & T just in case...........

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